Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Vote for Your Lives!

My comment to Robyn Evans blog And Then I Woke Up in Texas... article Vote, Vote, OMG, Why Aren't You Voting?
I agree that voting should be easier, we need a better way to interact with politics. In my opinion that is the main reason we have such poor voter turnout in Texas, we just don't interact with politics. We are affected by the political decisions made day to day, but we still don't interact with them. It's just not in a convenient method for us to take time out of our day to do.  
In that I think a voting holiday isn't enough to make a large change. I think there should be multiple holidays to increase political awareness and interaction. Neighborhood communities that recreate historical elections and voting on old bills.  
As things are, we do not touch politics. Something I learned in sales is that getting someone to hold the product is 70% of the sale. I feel like we need to do more to make politics into something the people can hold, something that is as much a part of their lives, as visiting the pool on a hot day, or going on a picnic with friends

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