Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Motorcycles Splitting Lanes Proposal

Something we should all worry about are road laws.  In an article by, two bills have been proposed in both the house and the Senate pertaining to allowing motorcycles to split lanes during slow traffic.

The main argument for or against the proposal is whether or not it will make motorcycle drivers safer.

On one hand it will increase the visibility of motorcycle drivers during stressful work hour traffic and allows them to get out of dangerous situations faster.  It is also suggested that it will lower emissions, free up traffic (if more people start driving motorcycles), and cut maintenance costs for motorcycle drivers.

On the other hand, other drivers may still not see the motorcycle drivers as they merge lanes.

Both bills have been introduced in the house, but have not been assigned to a comity.

This is an important article to review because if this bill is passed, it is important for people to know the law and why that motorcycle driver is allowed to drive between cars and not wait in line like everyone else.

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