Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Requiring Civics Tests for Graduation

The article Civics Test for Graduation is a Good Policy by Regina Lawrence, Larry Schooler, and Deborah Wise found on the Fort Worth Start Telegram.  Discusses requiring civics tests in order for students to graduate high school.

The authors are reaching out to a general audience, but mostly to parents and future parents.  All three authors are affiliated with The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life at the University of Texas in Austin.

They argue for requiring the civics tests for graduation, but are also willing to point out a few issues with the requirements as well.  One argument against is that it may not go far enough to inspire students to be more civic minded, citing that such a dramatic change would require changes in teaching technique, and curriculum as well.  They also mentioned that addition "adding another graduation requirement in a state with already extremely low graduation rates may give some reason to pause."

Even so, the arguments made for the requirements are far greater as they state that many of the issues will work themselves out as teachers will be more likely to focus on civics in class as their performance is evaluated by their students test scores.  They also state that it will encourage students to take part in politics more since it is a state requirement and therefore a skill required to succeed.

I agree with the authors, on all points.  I think students need to be motivated to learn more about civics and how our systems work.  I think this will help them succeed in life.  Since teachers are willing to focus on things that children are tested on school, it will create that little push in the direction of a more civic minded generation.  

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