Tuesday, May 12, 2015

To Bathroom or Not to Bathroom

The article Debbie Riddle wants Potty Police to combat gender bending in Texas restrooms by Scott Henson on his blog Grits for Breakfast, he talks about discusses legislation regarding the use of public facilities introduced by State Rep Debbie Riddle earlier this year. His article targeting people that are interesting in the ridiculous legislation that is proposed by lawmakers exclaiming that the legislation is from the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" Department." Scott Henson has been a journalist since college working for the Daily Texan and then after becoming an editor for the Texas Observer and being a political activist.  You can read more about Scott Henson here.

In his article he argues that it the new legislation will have unintended consequences due to the language the legislation stating that a male is one with a Y chromosome and a woman is one without a Y chromosome in relation to the use of public facilities.  He argues that this will affect more than those that it targets as many women use the men's restroom due to lines, and that it fails to accommodate the complexity of chromosome variations and modern understanding of gender.  He also argues that more businesses would switch to unisex restroom facilities since the risk of a state jail felony is too great for allowing someone to use the restroom.

Personally, I agree that the legislation is too broad and strict with restroom use.  I think this legislation would require a DNA test due to inter-sex variations and the possibility of children being misidentified at birth.  Namely people with androgen insensitivity syndrome as they may have female organs and appearance, but have an XY chromosome pair.

You can read the entire article here.

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