Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Investing in our Future

One of the most important things that we need to consider for the future of Texas is the way we plan to educate ourselves.  Not just K-12, but all education.  How easy is it to seek out knowledge and understanding in Texas right now.  Sure we have common core, STAAR tests, school vouchers filling the headlines, but I believe one of the reasons we can't figure out a good solution to the issue of education is that we haven't answered the question, how would we like to learn about something?

I feel like recent solutions to educational issues are like throwing darts blindfolded. Sure you might pass a law that hits the bulls eye, but you could also be throwing darts to the completely opposite wall.  I understand that STAAR tests are meant to grade teacher performance, but if I was looking the best teacher suited for me, I wouldn't test the students, I would look at the teacher and see if their teaching style suited my learning style.  If I was concerned that I was learning something inaccurate, I would want to collaborate with not just one, but multiple teachers on the same subject.  I would want to be treated more as a peer than an ignorant student that who's job is to turn in papers to be graded.

So why doesn't the legislation that's being passed reflect a similar train of thought?  Why do we continue to ask the wrong questions when creating legislation regarding education.

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